Blog #31 - Questions about our 12 Week Graduate to Private Practitioner Program

Putting your trust into someone else to train your graduate for private practice is a scary thought.
What if they don't train them the way I would?
What if they teach them clinical skills that I would not recommend?
This is all common thoughts and concerns from private practice owners that approach us about our program. Here is what we say .......
Point 1.
Unless you are going to conduct the training yourself in- house, no one will probably train them exactly the way you would. But you need to let go of the reins and control, because there is an option now available to you that will train them just as good if not better than you because this is our business. This is what we do best! This is our passion! This is the reason why we see amazing results in graduates that are trained at Physiomentor. When you can let go as a business owner and trust that someone else can do just as good a job, if not a better job it is a relief that you can hand over that task to someone else and you can get some freedom back as the business owner.
Our track record is being able to get a graduate meeting a private practice KPI targets by 6 weeks. Do you have that success?
Point 2.
You are more than likely a busy practice owner, treating your own caseload, putting out fires in the business everyday and working hard with little time left at the end of the day. Where will you have time to create a structured training curriculum for developing a graduate for private practice?
We have done the work for you and it works, we have the results, reviews and feedback to back it up.
Training a graduate is time consuming and demanding and requires structure, consistency and persistence to transform a graduate to a thriving private practitioner. It can not be a once a month in-service or chat in the corridor about a patient. We all start with the best intentions with our graduates but the the hurricane of life gets in the way and it is the first scheduled item on the list to be sacrificed.
Point 3.
We at Physiomentor are not in the business of teaching the weird and wonderful in regards to clinical skills. We stick to the basics. Most grads need a refresher in their clinical skills and exercise prescription techniques as their MSK placement could of been more than 5 months ago. The big emphasis with our clinical training is teaching clinical patterns, how to arrive at a diagnosis for their patients, language for education about clinical conditions and
recovery time frames. This is what a graduate lacks. We don't even recommend our graduates do another course until 6 months of being a graduate as they need to condense and practice this basic knowledge first prior to learning anything new.
Below is a video made especially for this blog to answer your FAQ's.
Being a private practice business owner myself, I have struggled with these same concerns.