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Want to transform your graduate into a successful private practitioner for your business?

Most graduates have had little exposure to a physiotherapy private practice prior to graduation and majority do not feel ready for working in a private practice. Also, physiotherapy private practice owners are reluctant to hire graduates into their businesses as they also feel they are lacking in fundamental skills that are required to succeed in private practice.


These skills include:

- Creating a recurrent clientele and retaining clients to fulfil treatment and rehabilitation plans.

- Business skills to sell and market in a private practice.

- Streamlined clinical assessments for private practice.

- Customer service skills for business physiotherapy.

- Minimising cancellations in private practice.


The industry of physiotherapy is changing and we are seeing more and more graduates stepping into our private practices.
If you are only training clinical skills, your graduate will be disadvantaged in private practice and will not be equipped with the skills to be a profitable, thriving clinician in your business.

3 Hour Train My Grad


For Private Practice Owners

2020 Courses TBA


Invest in your physiotherapy graduate for FAST ROI.


​This workshop will take you through the steps to fast track, mentor and develop the skills a graduate needs to start a career as a private practitioner.


You walk away with the knowledge and strategies to train a new graduate successfully for private practice.






4 Major Mindset Transitions

Learn the mindset transitions that you need to modify FAST for private practice.

Clinical Streamlining

Busy private practice requires a different clinical practice from their public model of training.

Roadmap for Training

Step by step strategies to start using immediately with your graduate.

'Ready to Implement'

 Graduate Templates

Graduate focused 'Done for You' resources to get you started.

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